
The following archive of old articles I’ve written on other sites may no longer be accurate or considered “best practice”, may not have images or source code, and may just be naive. Many are very old and we all learn. Still, I wanted to save these articles that I feel were an important part of my journey.

These do not represent a comprehensive trove of articles I’ve written - I’ve written far too many over the years - but are a few highlights I feel worth preserving with most formatting intact: typos and all.

To see more articles / posts I’ve written over the years on sites that do not have plans, that I know of, to shut down, visit:


  • Custom String formatting in .NET

    Discusses the implementation of custom format providers for existing types and custom formatting for user-defined types.
  • Embedding .NET Controls in Java

    Learn to embed .NET user controls in Java applications, applets, and beans using COM to bridge the gap between the two frameworks.